CDM training for Principal Designers and Designers


Are you a Principal Designer or Designer?

With the right tools you can learn how to deliver more successful projects. By any measure.

We currently offer three courses for these roles

APS-accredited 2-day course

1-day course

CDM 2015 for Designers

Remote (9am-4pm)

APS-accredited 2-day course

CDM 2015: Principal Designers & Designers

Remote (9am-4pm)

A flagship Principal Designer course, this two day exploration of CDM 2015 has a strong focus on pre-construction and the role of the Principal Designer. It is suitable for all levels and all sectors.

Note that the PD under CDM is not the same as the Building Regulations PD for the Building Safety Act 2022, though they have things in common.

We have been delivering this course for several years now across building and infrastructure including nuclear, rail, highways, airports, offshore, utilities, new build, refurbishment and more. Delegates range from highly experienced project leaders to new entrants to the fascinating world of construction and come from a wide range of disciplines including project management, engineering, architecture, surveying, health and safety and regulation.

Day 1

Delegates learn or revisit some of the underlying principles on which the legislation is based, the practical methods of embedding statutory duties throughout projects and what the HSE as CDM Regulator has as a current focus. Also covered is the structure of CDM, how to read the regulations and a deep dive into the Client’s role and duties.

Day 2

Delegates pick up the theme of the importance of effective information and communication and look in more detail at the information flow throughout the project. Designers’ duties are revisited and critically examined and explained and the challenges for the Principal Designer are explored in more detail. Design risk management is discussed and methodologies explored.

〉See a breakdown of this course, with a glimpse of the pack materials delegates recieve here (PDF).


Course dates 2025


Monday 24th to Tuesday 25th


Monday 10th to Tuesday 11th

Monday 24th to Tuesday 25th


Monday 7th to Tuesday 8th

Monday 28th to Tuesday 29th


Wednesday 7th to Thursday 8th

Monday 19th to Tuesday 20th



Wednesday 4th to Thursday 5th

Tuesday 17th to Wednesday 18th


Tuesday 15th to Wednesday 16th

Monday 28th to Tuesday 29th


Tuesday 19th to Wednesday 20th

To book a place on this course, or for group bookings (which can be either APS-accredited or NOCN-endorsed), email us on or get in touch through our contact form.

1-day course

CDM 2015 for Designers

Remote (9am-4pm)

Developed for all designers and decision makers across construction project teams this course is also useful for other CDM duty holders and their advisers and for those who provide CDM training.

Designers and Design are widely defined under CDM 2015 and there is no clear boundary between design constraints and design written into law. This clearly impacts on decision making and responsibilities/liabilities.

Starting with a quick revision of the space occupied by designers this course critically reviews Designers’ duties in law and examines approaches to risk management and reporting.

Highly variable dependent of project sector and size this course can be offered to less experienced professionals or as a workshop for more experienced professionals with the emphasis shifting from taught to explained/reviewed accordingly.

1-day course

CDM 2015 refresher for Principal Designers & Designers

Remote (9am-4pm)

This course is designed for individuals who have experience of working in the construction sector in whatever role and are reasonably confident in practical health and safety. An entry check list/reminder is provided as part of this course. It is also a useful course for construction health and safety professionals and for those who are providing construction health and safety training.

Revisiting the importance of information management throughout projects this course explores in detail the duties of the Designer and Principal Designer, challenging current incorrect application of CDM 2015 by many across industry with a critical review of the legislation and its requirements. Considering the implied statutory duty to produce a Design Management Plan and enriched with case studies and opportunities for reflection, this course and the two day APS accredited course are designed to challenge and change our industry’s approach to health and to safety across construction.

Next course: December 16th

To book onto our courses, or to discuss group bookings email us on or get in touch through our contact form.